Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ichi Rittoru no Namida

Ichi Rittoru no Namida or 1 Litre of Tears in English. I watched the series about a week ago. And It's still so very fresh In my mind. But exactly what kind of show is this? With the title 1 Litre of Tears, It's very clear that It's a sad one. And It Is. It aired In Japan In 2005. Three years and I only knew about this show like a month ago. Why all the fuss? Because this show Is worth your time and money and more of your time ... and ... money. But seriously, the show Is worth the watch. Take It from me, I'm no less of a drama fan than a fat guy but this drama In particular made me watch till the end.

Basically the story's about this 15 year old girl, Aya Ikeuchi, who somehow developed an Incurable disease called Spinocerebellar Degeneration/Ataxia. Imagine, a 15 year old, diagnosed with such a disease. The disease progresses slowly, first having difficulties to walk and talk. Then up to a stage where the body can't move that freely and walking and talking Is virtually Impossible. Despite that, Aya didn't give up her life, Instead enjoying every single minute of her life to the fullest, writing a diary of her with the disease till the age of 25, when she passed.

As you can see, the girl In the wheelchair Is Aya. Surrounding her (clockwise) is Rika, Hiro, Ako, Haruto, and her parents, Shioka and Mizuo. Haruto happened to be the love Interest of Aya. The dude can really cry and act.

It didn't help that the drama was based on a real life story of Aya Kitou. It made It even more heartbreaking. The cast selection was top notch. Having a Erika Sawajiri as the role of Aya was like Icing on the cake. Her role made the show even more tear dropping. I mean, you wouldn't want to see a pretty girl suffering now would you? There are 11 episodes all together. Episode 1 till 10 was fine, nothing too sad, but during the last episode, 11, I honestly say It made me jerked tears. No kidding. It was damn sad.

The diary.

The music choice was perfect, It fitted the scenes so well, I could almost cry just listening to the songs. Okay not really, but It was really good. Very good Indeed. It suits the series excellently, Only Human by K, Konayuki and Sangatsu Kokonoka by Remioromen. Inspiring would be best said about the songs. They never fail to remind me about Aya and her struggle to live and blend In Into society, especially during the scenes In which Konayuki is played in piano. Those scenes will trigger your tear duct to release your tears. True that.

1 Litre of Tears Is a heartwarming and touching drama. The show may even change your view on life. It's just so beautiful. I don't know how else to describe It. It really shows the Importance of human life and how lucky we are just to live. Long story short, just watch It. Download It or watch It from some website or whatever. But watch It.


JesieBlogJourney said...

Illness and disease can hit anyone at any age. It's sad because there is nothing much I can do to help except to pray.

I try not to watch sad dramas or movies because they will surely make me cry.

whitewolf said...

i watch this show too.

i cry for every episode.

it is soooo nice.

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