Thursday, March 1, 2007

Sports Day : Day 2

Yesterday was the second day of my school's Sports Day. I didn't really have the time to write yesterday so I'm writing It today. It rained, but other than that, the same stuff happened, sitting, talking, eating and insulting. I got to go to the MCC near Imperial Mall after the morning session of the events were done. Ransley played like an ass. So after playing, I headed back to Parkson to go back home when I realised It had rained. Without any thought I ran from Ma Baker to the eating place near Giant. I was freakin soaked. Luckily for me, my cap provided enough protection for my head from the heavy rain. I went back to change and stuff.

The afternoon was pretty much the same as the morning. Sitting, talking, eating and insulting. Kenaidy was exceptionally gay and retarded during the afternoon. I found out that Ransley played Counter Strike like a dumbass as he just stand In one spot without moving anywhere to shoot. I also discovered new LML potential, Mr Yuan and Daniel, Kenaidy's follower. How could I not see such potential In the beginning? The teachers got to run too. The Danson teacher, Mrs/Ms/Mdm Victoria tripped during the race. THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR REPLACING ME IN THE 4x200 EVENT YOU FREAK OF A TEACHER, eventhough I'd probably lose but still , THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR REPLACING ME!

Then the award ceremony thing took place. Lim was third. Danson was second and Chong got first again. Oh yes, and Ransley was very sakai playing his friend's handphone. A tribute was made to Li Vui Chian, I think, who passed away on the morning of the February the 25th. His loss was never thought to happen.

R.I.P Li

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