School started for me and may I say that It Is certainly unflattering. You ask why? Well I had to sit with Wilson ' gay whore' Phua on my very first day. Oh but why did you seat with him If you don't like him? Three words. No.more.seats. I came at like 6.30 AM and there were only four vacant seats. Screw those people who came at like 5 something to sit at the middle. Yeah screw you people with a screw not just any screw, but a rusty one. That's right. Then you're jaws will get locked because you have lock jaw.
Well If you don't know who Wilson Is, I will gladly describe him for you. Picture a boy. A boy who Is of moderate height, who's hair Is better shaved off because of his terrible always gel'd hair and looks just gagging because It looks wet all the time and wet hair really Isn't nice unless you have rabies or something. Wilson has a distinct personality as he complains about girls not socialising with him even when they approach to him. Why? Apparently he's afraid of making any contact with the female gender. And he complains that the girls hate him and stuff when he himself Is a pen0r brain. Also, he also likes to act like he's all that and pose when no one Is looking at him. So basically Wilson Is an arsehole. Nuff said.
Moving on, when I first came to my class, I noticed one thing. I noticed that the majority of the girls who had their hair changed, well they all didn't work. Most of them at least. Here's an Illustration depicting the monstrosity. Not every girl had the same hair but a few did so yeah.
Seriously, It just doesn't work. Girls, If anyone of you have the same hair as depicted In the picture and happen to read this entry, change your hair. It's for the better. But this only Implies to lower standard looking girls which Is exactly what my class Is made from. Not all, just a handful. Maybe a bunch, okay a lot of them. I'm not sexist or anything, most unfortunately It's factual. I can't be blamed for anything. It's just how It Is.
But yeah, besides the fact that Wilson Is sitting beside me and the failed whacked out hair dos', my first day went well. I met up with my comrades, shared weenerific experiences, embraced some stupidity and some other stuff. I just hope someone moves Into my class and kicks Wilson outta his seat and peace shall be restored.
(Oh and the people who stole my seat early In the morning, yeah you girls have no weeners, not to mention nice hair. Lastly for those people who despise me for Insulting other peoples' hair, well sue me If you're able to or maybe call the fashion police or something. So yeah, try.)
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