For only RM 19.99, you can be the owner of this limited Ransley edition of Pronunciation For Dummies. This book covers every aspect of pronunciation ranging from tone, tongue position, lip moving and so much more. This book also boasts the inclusion of a CD-ROM, which Is a commentary about pronouncing, none other than Mr. Hii Shan Wei, Ransley, expert of pronunciation.
In this Book, you will get:
i. The do's and dont's of pronouncing words.
ii. An In depth analysis of Mr. Hii's vocabulary.
iii. Meanings for words that you just don't understand when a person with lousy English, speaks.
iv. Mr. Hii's synonyms and antonyms.
And so much more for just RM 19.99.
An Extracted Part From Pronunciation For Dummies.
guzit noun [read goo-zeet]
1. gurjit
2. tall, black guy
3. used In a sentence, ' Uh, guzit can I borrow 2 ringgit ? '
spoong noun [read ss-poo-ng](plural spoongs)
1. spoon, an utensil used for eating
2. used In a sentence, ' Wheres my spoong'
listten verb [read list-ten](listenning, listtened)
1. listen
2. hearing
3. used In a sentence, ' Listten to me, kennedy '
nufting noun [read nuff-thing]
1. nothing, nil, nada
2. used In a sentence, ' I dunniu nufting'
stuvit adjective [read stew-veet]
1. stupid, brainless, dumb
2. also known as shuvit [read shoe-veet]
3. used In a sentence, ' Apalah you, stuvit'
ass noun [read as]
1. ass, backside, rear end, buttock
2. a way of saying X-Men, ass men
3. a way of saying the Xbox 360, ass boss three sissy
4. used In a sentence, ' Is there a ass men game for ass boss three sissy? '
dugone noun [read dew-gone]
1. dungeon, a place In Maple Story
2. used In a sentence, ' Err, why I die In the dugone? '
terrorims noun [read terror-rims]
1. terrified rims
2. terrorism, involves terrorists
3. used In a sentence, ' How to read this? Is It terrorims? '
This Is just one part of the book, If you purchase this book you can see even more content just for RM 19,99. So what are you waiting for, don't miss you chance of a lifetime, get this book now while It lasts. Sold In major book stores around the country.
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