Name : Daryl Ian Raja a.k.a The Anti Socializer
Age : 14
Known Crimes : Abusing muffins, being fat, harassing old men, stealing other people's trends,
loving his uncle just too much , saying the word ' balls ' excessively, liking the color purple, fondling teacups, acting gay, touching private areas of little school children, touching Abdul Rahman's moobs and many many many others.
Known Hideouts: His toilet, under the bridge, in the sewage, his uncle's house, the Sunflower
Center, the girls toilet, underwear shops, garbage cans, closets, on top of telephone poles, public toilets, cardboard boxes many many many others.
Weak To: Peanuts, peanut butter, peanut based products, 7-10 year old children, Alexander Goh, prawn crackers, rojak, paper, ugly girls, Ridge Racer, Nintendo 64s and many many many others.
Danger Level : High
Wanted Dead And Alive
Reward For His Capture: 2 cookies.
Might touch If he sees you. If spotted do not approach.
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