But yeah It Is Chinese New Year. Today Is the fifth day, and I'm at home using the Internet, rather than visiting my peers. Some life I have. But the previous six days, I was In Sibu. The place is okay, just a little...small. It's practically like Miri just filled with 3/4 of Foochow people with great skilllz of making 干捞面 and 光饼. Sibu's drainage system seriously sucks, Its that bad. And that makes Sibu flood prone, In some areas at least. The town Is no exception. There were like ponds of water, and It was muddy. Quite a feast for the eyes.
Sibu, Indonesia.

Come rain come shine.

I wasn't kidding about the flood.


The English Channel.




I can only Imagine how this contraption Is used.
My Chinese New Year was pretty normal. I mean with the exception of New Year songs that get annoying, It was cool. I got money, I met my relatives and with every meal, I was filled with my grandma's cooking. She makes a hell of a dumpling and when her cooking Is Infused with red wine, damn, It tastes as good as a salty Ice cream cone. True that.
Just that this year I couldn't visit my friends, well actually I still can but then again I'm socially unsociable so I guess that won't happen and also there Is a slight possibility that my peers don't know I'm already back or maybe no one cares but In any case I'm pretty lazy to go out anyways. And also the mass visiting was on the fourth day so It would be kinda tedious for everyone to come to my house when they could've gone yesterday but I only came back yesterday so that's highly Improbable.
Anyways to all a prosperous and fruitful New Years. Even If you have Improportional face or are bald/balding or even maybe have ugly hair or even having cheap clothing, Happy Year of the Ox, 2009, from me.
新年块樂, 歲歲平安
Happy New Year
(even though It's already the fifth day)