Name : Wilson Phua a.k.a Whimsical Willie Age : 15 or younger. Known Crimes : Watching gay porn, erecting to adolescent boys, singing, blogging, acting cool, speaking bad Mandarin, squatting on chairs, acting horny with teachers, being a boy, Insulting fat people, playing sports, styling his hair, being a Comitea wannabe, thinking he's a MILF, liking girls, swearing Incompletely, touching himself, moaning while touching himself, moaning behind his younger sister and many many many others.
Known Hideouts: Under chairs, window panes, closets, litter boxes, grass, Roshan, plastic containers, aluminium cans, cement, the Internet, wooden houses, piles of leaves, chicken coops, zinc rooftops, paddy fields, bushes, Inside his pants, behind pillars, under saw dust and many many many others Weak To: Girls, boys, gay porn, porn in general, transsexual people, crabs, Ah Bengs, rubber, glue, Mdm. Tan Mee Lan, Nelson, paper cuts, exercise, fashion sense, Algebra, pigeons, Ting Yeng Ping, your mom, midgets, 30 year old men and many many many others.
Danger Level : Lower than the ground
Wanted Dead And Not Alive
Reward For His Capture: No cookies.
Might moan If he sees you. If spotted do not approach.
This has been a message from
There Is one box In my sister's/computer room. What exactly Is In this box? Stuff that I have no Interest In, but I'm sure there are some people who are. The contents Inside the box Isn't anything peculiar as It Is an everyday Item that can be found anywhere, literally.
This Is the said box. I might regret showing you this, but I'll do It anyways. I cannot believe there are such things, dwelling In the crevices of my home. Behold, the stuffings In the the box. Box #1.
Maybe some of you are like "liek OMG! liek you listen to liek Jay Chou?". But of course, It's not my collection. It's my sister's. I rarely listen to this rather unsexy singer. I mean, I can barely hear what he's saying In his songs. It could be my amazingly excellently lousy Mandarin, but yeah, his pronunciation Is quite hard to Interpret, well some songs at least. Not all. Maybe 3/4. But you know, who am I to judge?
If only I could sell this off. Assuming each CD is about 40 bucks. These merchandise would easily give me like 400 butts. Easily.
Some of the above are albums, Karaoke VCD's, Soundtracks and stuff. I have absolutely no Idea why are there Karaoke VCD's. My sister sings? Beats me. But yeah, my sister Is a Jay Chou fan person guy.
Well, that's all for Box #1. There are more boxes to come. Or maybe not. I will see the circumstances, but anyways, If you're Interested In any of the stuff, please e-mail me.
I recently did my English Oral. My group consisting of Kenaidy and Nelson, did a Game Show called Who Wants To Win 5 Dollars. Basically I was the host and two contestants, Kenaidy and Nelson, had to answer five questions correctly to win, well the 5 Dollars. By posting this video, I'm practically committing e-suicide cause everyone will know how I look like but whatever. And yes, I sound a lot less gay, and look a lot better In real life. True that. Anyways, call It gay, sucky or something, this Is my group's English Oral Presentation, "Who Wants To Win 5 Dollars" . Enjoy. Believe me I don't sound that gay. Really.
And yeah, you may see this video from Nelson's blog or something, but I uploaded It, so I guess I have my right to post It also. Moreover, I'll provide an In-depth script that shows how much the whole act was altered. So yeah, we Improvised, a lot.
Original Context.
*Background music* Me:Welcome to Who Wants To Win 5 dollars. I’m Lau Ben Yu and I’ll be your host for today. Now, let us meet our two contestants. K :ello ello, I am Sir Wingding of Yorkshire. Pleased to meet you all, tallyho… N :Good Morning, My name’s Nelson and I will win the 5 dollars. You will feel my wrath Wingding. Fear me. K :Me fear you? Oh please. A peanut is even scarier than you. Me:Alrighty then, the rules are simple. First, each contestant is allowed 5 secs to answer each question.Second, you must follow first rule. Ok now..the grand prize is 5 dollars. Each correct answer brings one of you closer to that dream house you’ve always wanted. K :Well, how do I know that this isn’t just another scam ….like Deal Or No Deal? N :Yeah, Deal or No Deal sucks. Wheel Of Fortune is better. Me:Here’s the five dollars. I’m gonna keep it in my pockets for safekeeping. Any other questions? N :Can I ask something? Me:Go ahead. N :How many questions can we ask? Me:25 N :*about to ask* Me:OK! On to the show…*background music * K :Hold on.. I need to ask something. Me:Cannot.. K :You scumbag. N :Shut up. I really hate British people I tell you. Go drink some English tea or something. K :*oh no you di’nt* Me:Now, now. Enough with the hostility. Let us begin, shall we? *background music* Your 1st question is … what would happen to a fish if it fell into a river?? 5 secs on the clock. N :Hmm.. wouldn’t the fish swim? Me: WRONG! K :Well obviously the fish would be wet, am I right? Me:That is also incorrect. N :THEN TELL ME THE ANSWER! Me:No need to shout, the answer is.. the fish would drown.. K :I knew that… I’m just warming up. N :You’re really weird Sir Wingding…not to mention stupid. Me:Yes he is… and so are you. On to the 2nd question. Ready? This is a tough one. What colour is the White House? 5 secs… N :Let me think… If It’s called the White House, wouldn’t it be white? Me:That is wrong N :WHAT THE HECK? K :I believe It Is BLUE! Me:It is actually a lightest shade of black. N :I demand a recount! K :STOP ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS!! You know it’s almost impossible to answer those kinda questions with only 5 seconds…. I need 1 more second! N :1 more? No no no I want two. Me:Why not? 2 more seconds it is.. K :Cheers *touches Nelson’s shoulders* N :Stop touching me…. I’ll kill you. Me:Now then, the 3rd question. For this, you will have to complete this sentence. Mary had a little _________ ? K :I don’t know? Kim Chin? N :BROTHER Me:You two are idiots. Of course Mary had a little lamb. Moving on, your 4th question, again complete the sentence “He likes to eat, Fish and________” ? 7 secs… K :Indians *at the same time* N :Indians*at the same time* Me:So very close, Fish and Chips. Since none of you got a single question correct, this next one will determine who wins the 5 dollars. K :So whoever answers this question correctly wins the money? Me:But of course. N :Stop wasting time you racist. I need the money. I got a whole family to raise. K :I don’t think that’s possible, CAUSE IM GONNA WIN IT! N :OH YEAH?!? K :YEAH?!? N :OH YEAH?!?!? K :YEAH?!?! N :OH YEAH!?!? Me:*slaps face* Please, I doubt any of you can win It. But anyways, your 5th and final question Is… why did the chicken cross the road? 7 secs K :Well, was it because It was Indian? N :I know. It was because It wanted to get to the other side. Me:Ohhh… close, but not close enough. It was because it was gay. Terribly sorry but none of you get the 5 dollars. K :Fiddlesticks! I should have known chickens were homo. N : You scammer! Me:Well that’s all for this show. Tune in next time when we play, Who Wants To Win 5 Dollars! N :*provokes Sir Wingding and fights* K :*fights Nelson*
As you can see we didn't really follow the actual script.