10.00 PM
Wat tha wiggaz? The New York Giants beat tha New England Patriots In Supa Bizzowl XLII. Seriously yo, what tha wiggaz? I made a poser that If tha Patriots lost, me n mah gang would have ta go out witout our boxaz, which will show our biatches If you know wat I'm hatin' n shit. We're not rapping small, but big and cant no hood with death row. Our bona would totally be seen. Dem ain't trippin. So we went ta tha store ta buy some more bread. And guess what? Instead of dem white kids we met some azn kids . Death row 187 4 life. And they cracked a joke bout mah bonah, rhymin' baller I had a Wii. I said yes n they laughed. Those crackheezees thought It was funny ta add a Wii n a ner which Is Playa. Dem azn kids think its funny ta say wiena? Suck retards biatches and cant no hood with death row. It ain't funny ta say hustla in tha dogg pound. If dem azn's said penors I would understand. But nay, dem crackerz get jizzy and horny over Pokeman especially Pikachu, them yellow biatches like a motha sucka. Them azn kids would like see'n Pokeman pr0n. Sick bastards . Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. Pokemon ain't hatin' , betta check yo self. Digimon Is, you dig crackheezees? Dem azn kids tizzy left. Me n mah gang went motherf'n shizzle. Slap your mutha f'n self. It was dark so we couldn't see that clearly wit da big Bo$$ Dogg. We managed ta catch up ta dem azn people ta help you tap dat ass. It was then I realised that I was actually naked on mah bed wit a bona, jus' chill'in. Them azn kids be nigg menz. Even though dem azn is azn. Fho Shizzle.
Made ya look biscuitheads.