fat guy with a long beard.
Santa Claus, jolly old man? or silent child predator? a friendly elderly? or a friendly elderly in the wrong ways? These are the questions that run through my brain whenever I think about Old Santy. At first you know, I didn't really care, but I couldn't help but to think about the pedophilia that Santa has committed. Why I call him a pedo you ask?
You may know Santa Claus for being this fat old guy who happens to share the spirit of Christmas by giving gifts to those who were nice the whole year round. He lives In the North Pole and has a sledge with reindeers becoming the muscle behind the contraption. Santa Claus keeps a list of those who were naughty and nice, climbing down chimneys to put presents under the Christmas Trees or maybe even In stockings that were hung on the fireplace. Every year he does this during the night of Christmas Eve. Children will praise Santa for his generosity even though they've never seen a sight of him before. Traditionally, Santa Claus Is recognized as the source of presents to young children. But does Santa Claus really give upon his own free will, or Is It the other way round?
Santa's North Pole
Why Is that Santa Claus resides at the Northern Poles of the earth. Why not America? Brazil? perhaps Mexico even, where sunshine Is about everywhere. Why the North Pole? It's like such a remote place, Isolated from everything else beside Ice, snow, polar bears, Eskimos, you get the idea. Wait do Eskimos even live In the North/South Pole? I wonder. Perhaps Greenland, yeah there. But anyways, Is It that Santa Claus lures children to this region of coldness for his own purposes? Think about It. He has a "workshop" which produces "toys" In the North Pole. i believe Santa keeps the children In giant skin sacks, acting like he's putting toys Inside when actually he's stuffing 3 year olds' Into his bag of pedophilia. Since his home Is so far away from civilization there would be no way anyone would know about Santa's kidnappings of all children to be his "slaves" for his guilty pleasure. Such a dirty tactic, no wonder you're bloated.
Santa's List
Next, why do you think he keeps a certain "list" of children who are naughty or nice? Is It his list on who to target next? I bet he checks this "list" everyday and observes the so called "nice" kids. Do the nice kids satisfy him In some way? If you know what I mean. Just one kid wouldn't be enough so you had to get groups of hundreds of kids to calm you down? Why do you think so many people have AIDS, HIV and STD's each year. It's because of Santa! The man Is twisted and sick In unthinkable ways.
Santa's arrival
Why does Santa only arrive at night? Why not In the broad daylight when everyone can see you? Why coming down through the chimney? Why not just use the front door? Landing your sleigh on the roofs of residential houses Is already considered a violation of privacy. Sneaking In? Now that's just low, real low. In exchange for the gifts Santa touches the children while they're sound asleep. So that's probably why kids who stay up through the night do not get presents as Santa doesn't get a chance to touch them because they're not sleeping thus causing him to not touch them cause If he does touch them while they're awake, he will be Identified as a pedo.
Santa's Activities With Kids
Why do you think every year, fake pretend Santa's sit In a chair and let every kid "ride" on his lap and tell him their wishes? Why do you think he does this. It's to show he's attraction to children of course. Why can't the children just stand and whisper their wishes to Santa. But they have to sit on his lap, for a least five minutes just to let him know about It. It may seem that the fake pretend Santa's are just normal people, but the truth Is, whenever the red suit, the long beard, the stuffed stomach Is put together, the Spirit of Mr. Claus controls them, just to feel pleasure over prepubescent youths.
So please, now that you know the truth behind this sadistic old man, consider whether you should convince little children whether the existence of Santa Is real or not. You'll never know.
That's why Santa gets the "Pedo Bear Seal Of Approval".
(MEXPO Is actually the Mexican Peanut Organization. Don't listen to the crap that Daryl has said)