I will compile some games that I am anticipating for my hypothetical PS3. So here goes, In no particular order.
1. Burnout Paradise

Release date: January 2008, US
4th Quarter of 2007, Europe
The latest series is the Burnout franchise. The first for the next gen consoles. I've always looked forward to Burnout games. The last one I played was Burnout Revenge, which was fairly addictive but It got repetitive after I reached the Elite Rank, which was the highest. Burnout Dominator did succeeded Revenge but I was lazy to check It out. After getting a glimpse of the Burnout Paradise trailer, I was excited. No, not school girl seeing hot guy excited. But excited by seeing how I could play the game with the polished mechanics with the very impressive graphics. Just Imagine, making your car spin a 360 spin in mid air or making It do barrel rolls after a jump or drifting you car in a tight turn causing the car to burn rubber leaving It smoky.
I conclude, Awesome Gameplay + Sexy Cars + Good Graphics + Dynamic Car Physics = Success

2. Assassin's Creed

Release date: November 2007
Assassin's Creed. In this title, you play as an assassins, duh and you get to well, assassinate people. But what kind of people you will be assassinating? Historical figures of course. Assassin's Creed Is set during the Third Crusade, In which you play as Altair, the dude In the white overalls. There's three cities that are featured in the game, Jerusalem (Israel), Acre (Israel) and Damascus (Syria). As you may observe these cities are located at the Middle Eastern region, and as you know, Middle Eastern architecture Is beautiful. Why did I bring up the architecture?, well In this game the player gets to climb on any building, ledge, brick, wall or anything virtually visible on buildings and the city. The most sexy part of the game Is Altair's arsenal of weapons. Daggers, crossbows swords and also your own array of assassin weapons that you get when you become one. Assassin's Creed brings stealth to another level with Its social stealth when you blend In a crowd when you are required to kill someone In the populous cities filled with tons of people. Very anticipating this game.

3. Heavenly Sword

Release date: 4th September 2007 , US
20th September 2007 , Australia
As you can see from the screens, the main character guy Is a red haired lady. Critics often compare Heavenly Sword to God Of War as both of the titles show similarities. But oh no, the leading lady, Nariko Is certainly not a Kratos. The game focuses on Its gameplay, claiming that about 1000 enemies can be on screen without any frame rate issues. If that Is true, massacring over an army of enemies would be certainly mouth watering. Nariko wields the "Heavenly Sword" which has divine powers and sucks out the life of any enemy that It cuts. Like Assassin's Creed this game also provides some unique weapons at your disposal. The "Heavenly Sword" can be changed into three different forms and each has Its own attack and mostly importantly satisfaction when killing. The sword can be changed Into a chain form that the player can use to throw out enemies and also can be separated depending on the players decision. I also So If you have enjoyed God Of War or Ninja Gaiden or something like that of the same genre, combined cinematic, tight controls and a fresh fighting engine, this game Is certainly one to look out for.

4. Warhawk

Release date: 28th August 2007,Worldwide
Finally, an aerial combat game that blows every other game of Its kind. A remake of the original Warhawk for the Playstation 1, with Its new inclusion of land vehicles besides the planes. The whole flight, driving mechanics are done by using the SIXAXIS (PS3 Controller) Tilt left, turn left. Tilt right, turn right. You get the idea. This game Is one of the first games that fully uses the motion sensing technology that the SIXAXIS has to offer. Warhawk Is all about Multiplayer. Detahmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture The Flag are some of the modes of It. Although Warhawk does not support a Single Player Campaign, the Multiplayer will most likely be the meat and core of the game. Just think, jetting through your Blackhawk type stealth plane 300 km/h destroying enemy planes on the way. Fight for ranks, bragging rights and pride through this Multiplayer Online Co-op Aeriel Combat game that Is, Warhawk.

The PS3, smexy indeed.