Friday, June 29, 2007

Philosophy: Woodworking

一 : Cutting wood
When cutting wood, always remember to cut It harmoniously. Let the good chi flow In your saw blade so that the cut Is smooth and neat. Rugged and rough edges will be the outcome of bad chi In your saw blade. To achieve good chi, direct your saw to the wood In a 90° manner. You must always remember to pull the saw faster than when you push the saw while cutting. This enables the good chi to flow In a proportional ratio.

二 : Waiting for the tools

Waiting for the tools that you need need patience. It Is as If waiting in line to go to the
toilet. Your chance will come but you must wait. Patience Is of the essence. It will pay off
after you have waited, and you will feel satisfied with your tools like when you go through
the process of urination after you felt that your pipe Is about to go kablooey. Satisfaction
Is guaranteed.

三 : Making sounds while doing the work

Doing the action above Is highly discouraged. A disturbance to the spirit world will occur
If the wrong sounds are made. Talking to the wood will rip your shirt. Shouting at the wood
will rip your pants off. Cursing the wood will rip your underwear off, thus forcing you to sit
on the plastic chair with your bare rear end.

Remember my philosophy about woodworking. Now I will conclude this session by quoting someone, about stupidity.

" Can you wear your underwear on your chests? " Hii Shan Wei Ransley

People these days, (Kenaidy) can't think of their own posts, and thus copying others. I am very disappointed In you people. (Kenaidy)

Monday, June 25, 2007


Hiatus? Stop posting? Inactivity? Dead blog? Those might be the things that come to your mind whenever you visit this blog. No, the blogs not any of the things above, besides inactivity. The thing Is that............. I was banned from the internet the past few weeks, okay maybe not. The main reason I don't post Is that my sister Is back. You know, my so called 'dead' sis In my April Fool's post. Yeah. The thing Is, my computer Is located In my sister's room, and also she puts her laptop in her room. She practically lives In the room, staying In here almost the whole day, and sleeping a lot. I have a fear that If I blog here, she will find out about my blog. I don't think she'll find the infamous April Fool's one humorous at all. If she does finds out, well, I can say that I am as good as massacre.

I will post as soon as she goes back to Melbourne which Is like two weeks from now. Then, you people can enjoy my sexy posts. And If you're wondering why I am able to blog now. Reason? She went out. So patient people. You don't get quality posts just at a snap of a finger, unless you're name Is Earl...........or crabman, yeah. Well that concludes this times mediocrity.